Kohli previously worked for Mysing. Credit: via Justin Strong

Kohli joins Newcastle consultancy

Regeneration advisor AspinallVerdi continues to build its regional team, appointing Neil Kohli as a consultant development surveyor.

Working from the firm’s North East base at The Core, Newcastle Helix, Kohli joins an office that services public and private sector clients throughout the region.

He arrives from residential developer Mysing Capital Group, where he worked as a development surveyor on luxury housing schemes from pre-construction to disposal, including projects in Gosforth and Hexham.

Current and recent work for the Newcastle office of AspinallVerdi includes:

  • Providing acquisition, disposal and valuation advice to Homes England as a member of its Property Professional Services Framework;
  • Advising Stockton-on-Tees Council on its town centre regeneration blueprint;
  • Prepared reports to Hartlepool and Darlington councils on commercial workspace strategies;
  • Providing valuation reports on Northumberland County Council’s Future High Streets Fund projects;
  • Providing financial viability assessments for private clients in Ouseburn, Washington and Hetton.

Brett Devenish, director and head of the Newcastle office, said: “Bringing Neil into our team provides us with a unique area of expertise given his experience working directly for a developer, which will further enhance the specialist advice we can provide to our growing base of North East clients.”

Founded in 2009 by chairman Atam Verdi and managing director Ben Aspinall, the firm now has a workforce of 26 at its headquarters in Leeds and offices in Newcastle, Liverpool, Birmingham and London.

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